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The internet commonly provides a false sense of anonymity, whereas there is only pseudo-anonymity for most users. Pretty much everyone is identifiable online by their IP address , a unique identifier assigned to you by your internet service provider (ISP).

However, there are tools which can help you mask your actual IP address and provide an additional layer of protection for your online identity. This can be achieved with the use of Tor Browser or Virtual Private Network (VPN)  services.

Tor Browser is a free and open source software customised to work with the Tor network, based upon Mozilla Firefox, which encrypts  your browsing traffic and gives you a new identity, i.e. a new IP address. It is also particularly useful for accessing blocked websites on your network. There are some drawbacks however, as the Tor network provides generally slow internet speeds and users’ identity can be exposed if they do not use Tor Browser properly.

Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a service which enables users to connect to the public internet through a private network, providing an additional encrypted layer of privacy and masking the users’ actual IP address. There are many VPN providers, but users should still take note and be aware of possible security aspects such as:

  • Jurisdiction, i.e. in which country is the company providing VPN services based. Countries which are members of the “Five Eyes” mass surveillance alliance (USA, UK, Canada, New Zealand, Australia) should generally be avoided;
  • No logs policy, meaning that the VPN provider doesn’t log your internet traffic made through their network;
  • Regularly performed independent security audits, which are usually documented on the VPN provider’s website;
  • Price - some VPN services are quite expensive, but you should be vary of “completely free” VPN apps , as their business model is almost certainly based on tracking users. However, some paid-service providers  offer free plans with limited possibilities, such as lower speeds and a smaller number of servers .
IP Address Digital hygiene Browser Apps Encryption Data leaks Safety

Remote working

Access to applications and data that are physically located in the system (organisation, editorial office) is possible, with appropriate permissions, from any computer in the world. In this way, work is significantly facilitated, shortens the time required for data processing and enables participation in the field work process. 

From a security point of view, teleworking has serious drawbacks. Establishing a connection between the network or server in the system and the external computer opens the possibility for MitM (Man in the Middle) attacks. MitM [MitM] is a type of technical attack in which the client and server are not necessarily at risk, but the attacker uses connection flaws to access their communication and commit data theft. 

A secure way to work remotely is to connect via VPN (Virtual Private Network). It is a service of creating a separate tunnel between two computers on the public network, which is specially encrypted for protection. Of the several types of virtual private networks, the safest is to use the so-called TSL (Transport Layer Security Protocol). One of the best VPN implementation software at the organisational level is OpenVPN

Alternatively, non-profit organisations can opt to use G Suite, i.e. Google’s productivity package which includes several popular tools and products (Gmail, Google Drive, Google Calendar, etc.). However, it should be noted that Google’s business model is based on user profiling and analysis of personal data collected from its users.

IP Address Digital hygiene Encryption