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List of server errors

When your website is not working or certain pages are unavailable, you may encounter various types of error messages. Error codes display a certain number and their type can be determined based on the first digit: 1xx: Informational, 2xx: Success, 3xx: Redirection, 4xx: Client Error, 5xx: Server Error.

Client (400-499) and server errors (500-599) are quite common and when dealing with them, be sure to refresh the page in your browser after making changes on the server  and check server logs for more details if the issue persists.

DigitalOcean has provided a list of common client and server type errors, what causes them and detailed explanations how each one can be resolved.

Error Server Digital evidence Site

Ask for server logs

To determine the potential source of issues with your website, taking a look at server logs  can be of great importance. Server logs are text documents which provide you with various information about all activities on the server. For example, you can see the IP addresses [IP-ADDRESS] and identity of the devices making a request to the server , time and date of the request, etc, which can all be crucial when mitigating a cyber incident.

You can request server logs for a certain time frame from your system administrator or through technical support.  

File a criminal complaint

Once you have the log files from your server from which it could be seen that your website was targeted with a cyber incident, e.g. unauthorised access, you can file a criminal complaint to the police or competent prosecutor. 

When preparing a complaint, make sure you mapped and described the events during the incident as they happened (what behaviour with the site did you notice, at what time, were there any changes you weren’t aware of), prepared the server logs and other useful information, such as screenshots  of suspicious activities. 

Error Server Digital evidence Site IP Address Hosting