
Tagged with Pressure x Ψηφιακά αποδεικτικά στοιχεία x


The misuse of reporting or flagging mechanisms, or false claims of copyrights infringement or other violations of Terms of Service or Community rules and regulations on social media platforms, for the purpose of blocking, suspension or preventing more extensive digital participation.

Regaining control over your online profiles is often a burdensome process. Suspension appeal procedures on many social media platforms are costly - both in terms of time and resources. Even when appeals are successful, initial false reports will have also succeeded in keeping a target offline for various amounts of time. 

The most well-known case of false reporting (for violations of terms and services on a social media platform) in Serbia is the  suspension of the official profile of an Ombudsperson on YouTube:

Digital evidence Report to platform Tactic Identity Pressure


Friends, family, partners, colleagues, employers, and even witnesses to the abuse, can be  targeted in the same or similar way as the original target. 

In this way, the perpetrator destroys or attempts to undermine existing networks of support. The result is that the original target is exposed to additional harassment, guilt for the abuse now being levied against friends and family, and further feelings of isolation and anxiety. 

During an assault and in the aftermath, persons suffering violence often turn to their friends and family and spaces where they can talk openly about their experience and find support. As important as the support of family and friends can be, sometimes, even well-meaning advice can place blame for the harassment back onto the target. Remember that the perpetrator alone is responsible for abuse. Your friends and family can also help you to document and monitor  online abuse and to maintain an overview of your social media profile and online communication channels.

Learn more about support, risk assessment and other support mechanisms: here.

It often happens that supporters and bystanders who defend the primary target, in many cases journalists and activists, are involved in an organized attack together or individually.

Digital evidence Digital hygiene Harassment Safety Sexual Harassment Pressure